Blog Archives

Week 42: Photo Challenge

I spy with my little eye something beginning with…

I loved this game when I was little… and I think that it was defiantly the only car game that kept me occupied for those long drives! We got our computer back this week, which is wonderful… as what I have been spying for the past week and a bit is how the trees are beginning to POP! Spring has sprung… the snow has melted… the rain has come and the grass is turning green! Summer is on it’s way! So here is a series of photos that I took on a quick little walk that my hubby and I took earlier this week.

Next Week: Roadside Finds!

Week 10: Photo Challenge

Fall Colours

Fall… otherwise know as Autumn in Aussie is a beautiful season. Ever changing leaves and landscapes that are breathtaking. This first photo I took of the leaves just outside the gate at camp… the other one was taken back in 2009 when we went back to Aussie in April to visit my family – this tree is out the front of my family home.

Next Week: Wood